Foods that Heal * Magnesium * Author Bryan K. Marcia, Ph.D. Date: 1996/07/23 Forum: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGHEST MAGNESIUM FOODS BEST SOURCES: Nuts; wheat germ; whole grains; greens; berries; yellow cornmeal OTHER GOOD SOURCES: apples; dried apricots; avocados; dried bananas; beans; beet tops; black walnuts; Brazil nuts; cabbage; cashews; coconuts; comfrey leaves; dates; dulse; endive; dried figs; filberts; fish; gelatin; grapes; green pepper; goat milk; hickory nuts; honey; lentils; mint; spinach; oats; okra; onion tops; parsley; dried peas; peaches; dried pears; peanuts; pecans; pistachio nuts; prunes; wild or brown rice; rye; sorrel; dried soybeans; soy milk; spinach; sunflower seeds; Swiss chard; tofu; turnip greens; watercress MAGNESIUM IN THE HUMAN BODY: The "Relaxer" element" Vital for solid teeth and bones; required for lungs, brain functions; fosters cell growth; nerve mineral; promotes excretory processes; increases tissue elasticity; adds alkalinity to fluids; calms nerves; enhances sleep; nature's laxative; counteracts acid poisoning; lowers fever, cools and soothes nervous system; refreshes the body and is mostly needed in skeletal/muscular systems. BIOCHEMICAL NOTES: Destroyed or injured by high temperature; dissolves in water. * Magnesium is vital in enabling the elimination organs to carry on their work. Sodium, chlorine, and potassium are also vital in the role of elimination. If any of these elements are lacking there will be an under functioning of various organs, resulting in a special type of constipation. When magnesium is lacking, constipation in the bowel develops because magnesium regulates and keeps the bowels alkaline and prevents gas from forming in the alimentary tract. When sodium is lacking there will be a special kind of constipation that could result in both bowel and lymph system. If potassium is lacking this would again have it's special kind of constipation involving the acids that accumulate in all tissues. When chlorine is lacking there will be trouble with the stomach which will result in the inability to handle proteins. Protein that is not properly utilized will stay in the body, decay and produce toxins. * Magnesium foods are alkaline. Foods such as fruits contain citric acid and usually contain magnesium. Those foods that contain citric acid and magnesium are highly antacid, such as a lemon which is highly acid but when ingested will create alkalinity in the system. Magnesium converts acids in the stomach into neutral salts. (this does not include tree unripened fruit) * Magnesium is important in aiding gas out of the stomach. If there is gas pressing on the walls of the stomach, the stomach cannot digest food properly. * A mother who is breast feeding her baby should not eat any foods such as oranges, lemons, limes, or any acid foods. When the mother is in gestation and lactation, the baby draws out the important salts such as calcium, iron, sodium, silicon and chlorine. These are the elements the baby must have at all times. These elements that are drawn upon, leave the mother a "empty shell ", because these elements have been "robbed" from her system, therefor she is likely to become acid. Fruit juices pass through the system very quickly and affect the milk, where baby needs alkaline elements. If the mother eats too much sugar, the milk curdles and becomes subject to fermentation, thus possibly giving her baby stomach troubles. * Chlorine kills germs; magnesium washes them out. Magnesium helps neutralize and eliminate all poisons from the system. Magnesium drugs and tonics have their place only when the stomach is sour throughout, but at no other time. The body needs organized elements, tonics; drugs are not properly organized elements.