Foods that Heal * Fluorine *
Author Bryan K. Marcia, Ph.D.
Date: 1996/07/23



BEST SOURCES: Raw goat milk; goat butter; whey; raw green quince; sea plants; raw fish

OTHER GOOD SOURCES: avocados; black-eyed peas; Brussels sprouts; cabbage; caraway seed;
cauliflower; cheese (raw); dates; raw egg yolk; endive; garlic; greens; juniper berries;
lemon grass; mother's milk; spinach; parsley; rice polishings; rye bran or meal; sea
cabbage; sea lettuce; spinach; tomatoes

* It is well to note that cooking will destroy fluorine therefor one must get sources of
fluorine from raw, unadulterated foods.

FLUORINE IN THE HUMAN BODY: The "resistant" element
Found in the blood and joints; protects from germs and infection; acts upon spleen,
tooth enamel, bones, skin, hair, nails, tendons, eye, and elastic tissues; prevents decay
and cavities; preserves youthfulness; strengthens tendons and knits bones.

BIOCHEMICAL NOTES: Destroyed or injured by high temperature.

* Fluorine is usually found in combination with calcium, is important
in being the "protector" element.. Oxygen is important in building up
tissue and tearing down tissue; it is fluorine that keeps oxygen from
breaking down tissue in the body. Because fluorine does not unite with
oxygen, it becomes the "protector" element.

* Fluorine supported with calcium has an important function to perform.
Fluorine acts like cement that holds all the bone cells together and
also builds a hard surface on the outside of bones as a protection
against oxygen and all sorts of bone enemies. Fluorine combines with

* Calcium cannot be utilized and organized with out fluorine and sodium.
Sodium keeps calcium in solution and fluorine organizes it. If
fluorine is lacking there may be a tendency to have too much calcium
in one place and too little in another place or too little heat in one
area and too much in another area. There is no equalization of heat
or calcium, when fluorine is lacking.

* Fluorine kills parasites and certain germs. It is a disinfectant;
germicide; purifier; resistant agent; antiseptic; antipyretic
(effective against fever); and building block of the whole body. There
is no pus formation where fluorine is at work. Astonishingly, all this
is done with only three to four ounces of fluorine, which is about the
normal reserve in the human body.

* Raw cow's milk has only a trace amount of fluorine. Goat products are
good sources of fluorine. A certain amount of Fluorine is needed by
the spleen to function properly.

* Supply fluorine if your bones are small; weak or have bone disease.
Fluorine protects calcium. If you want to build bone formation one
must increase fluorine intake and increase the capacity of the system
to take up tricalcium phosphate. Exercise is also needed to drive
these elements into the bone.

* Fluorine is not invincible to certain germs, toxins, and diseases.
Some opponents that are disastrous to fluorine in the body are mumps,
tuberculosis germs, syphilis germs, specific bacterial toxins and
vaccinations which can cripple the fluorine reserves in the body.

* Remember that fluorine must be taken in organic form. Inorganic form
is not suitable or compatible in the human body.